Home > Western-Erotica > The Night Of The Hunted 黑夜追击[法国限制級](AVI)

The Night Of The Hunted 黑夜追击[法国限制級](AVI)

片名 Title: Night of the persecuted / Night Hunting
原名 Original title: La Nuit Des Traquees / The Night Of The Hunted
年代 Year: 1980
内容 Genre: Erotica, Thriller, Horror 情色
国家 Issued: France
片长 Length: 1:27:39
格式 Format: AVI
大小 Size: 1.54 GB
导演 Director: Jean Rollin
主演 Cast: Bridget Lae, Vincent Zharder, Dominic Zhyurne Bernard Papineau, Rachel Ma, Natalie Perry, Christian Farina, Jacques Gal, Dominique Saint-Cyrus, Jean Sherlian, Alain Duclos, Jacques Gateau

影片介绍 About movie: Night on the highway, Robert meets the girl in a nightgown, which runs from unknown danger. He agrees dovezti Elizabeth to the town and soon realizes that his fellow traveler suffers from memory loss. Wanting to help Elizabeth, Robert brings her to him, but soon her kidnapped and returned to a secret medical facility, from which, as it turned out, she fled. The hospital provides dozens of people who, like Elizabeth, lost memory. Where they live and help each other, love and murder. Faced with Veronica, Elizabeth realizes that this girl had once been her friend and together they tried to escape from the hospital. Meanwhile, Robert tries to get Elizabeth out of the hospital, and the chief doctor, fearing exposure, decides to “clean up” of all patients …

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