Rough Play 演員就是演員[2013韩国限制級](高清MP4@2空@无字)
Movie: Rough Play (English title) / Actor is an Actor (literal title)
Revised romanization: Baewooneun Baewooda
Hangul: 배우는 배우다
Director: Shin Yeon-Shick
Writer: Kim Ki-Duk
Producer: Kim Ki-Duk, Kim Ji-Young
Cinematographer: Choi Yong-Jin
World Premiere: October 4, 2013 (Busan International Film Festival)
Release Date: October 24, 2013
Genre: Drama / Filmmaking
Production Company: Kim Ki-Duk Film
Distributor: Next Entertainment World
Runtime: 98 min.
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Movie describes life of an actor as he suddenly becomes popular, but also becomes arrogant with his new found fame. As he mixes with new groups of people, including gangsters, he finds his career spiraling back down and his life in danger.
Oh Young (Lee Joon) is an intense young actor, full of vigor for his chosen field. He currently performs regularly for a small theater company as well as playing minor roles in movies. A manager named Kim Jang-Ho (Seo Bum-Suk) then spots Oh Young on the filming set of a movie. He sees potential in Oh Young and offers to make him a top actor. After signing his contract, Oh Young’s role in the movie is rewritten into a major supporting character. Once the movie is released, Oh Young receives praise for his performance and also becomes a burgeoning celebrity. As his popularity rises, Oh Young’s life quickly spirals out of control.
“演员不是在模仿谁的生活,而是真实生活的一种写照”在大街上和人体模型做演技练习的同时有了做演员的梦想,英在这部电影中的演一个配角。在与主演的桀骜 不羁的劣根性对抗的同时学习演技的英的弟弟根的女朋陈通过修改剧本而得到导演的认可,得到演配角的机会。英的演技压倒了主演并且在电影上映后成为一颗新升 起的热线演员,在电影界备受瞩目,在广告界也一跃成为新的蓝筹股。但是在配角期间一直和他一起的经纪人在没有经过他同意的情况下独自决定了合同延长的要求 事项让英很不满,所以英和那个恶棍经纪人诀别后选择了新的经纪人,他的弟弟根。在现在的位置上有着最高人气的英,渐渐忘记了自己本来的面貌。对经纪人弟弟 根发火,推迟摄影时间,甚至代替喊“cut”。在只有演艺人的聚会上和一些小混混交朋友,这样的做法也给自己和自己周围的人带来了威胁…
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