Sex and Death 101 性與死亡101[美國限制級](AVI@2空@中字)
【影片片名】:性與死亡101 (高清版) [中文字幕]
【影片又名】:Sex and Death 101 / 101夜情.
【平均評價】:★★★★★★☆→6.1 顆星. (IMDb評價)
【影片大小】:1.53 GB
【影片格式】:AVI (藍光→轉制AVI)
【視頻效果】:1032X580 (藍光轉制.高清版)
【主演演員】:Robert Wisdom / Tanc Sade / Patton Oswalt / Simon Baker / Mindy Cohn / Winona Ryder / Keram Malicki-Sanchez / Julie Bowen / Neil Flynn / Corinne Reilly / Cindy Pickett / Winter Ave Zoli / Dash Mihok / Bryan Okes / Jessica Kiper.
【語種發音】:英語發音. 簡體中文字幕.
【影片內容】:時裝.成人.劇情.情色.喜劇.浪漫.性瘋狂.冒險.幽趣.幻境. 等.
【影片片商】:Production Co: Avenue Pictures Productions.
羅德(賽門貝克飾演) 是一個事業有成的都會男性,工作沒得挑剔、感情生活也完美無比。然而,就在結婚前一週,他看似璀璨平順的生活卻被一封神秘的電子郵件所動搖。這封伊媚兒裡 列舉了以前所有曾與他發生性關係的女性,以及一長串日後即將和他上床的女性名單,洋洋灑灑共101人!
就像是浪漫心理劇【今天暫時停止】的男主角比爾墨瑞,羅德不經意踏上了一段讓所有男人羨慕不已的瘋狂性冒險,他發生關係的對象包括色情雜誌的封面女 郎,SM女王、雙胞胎姊妹花、竟然還有一校車的私校女高中生….等等,但最後,整個劇情卻轉變成帶有黑色幽默的惡夢。
在偶然機會下,他和一位宛如天使的可愛女性墜入愛河,但可悲的是,這位女性並不在「炮友」名單上。相反的,他也認識了令所有男人聞風喪膽,在媒體上 造成轟動的「女魔煞妮爾」(薇諾娜瑞德飾演),這位充滿魅力的蛇蠍美女竟然也在他的名單上!他荒淫的一生將就此了結嗎?
【性與死亡101】的男主角賽門貝克曾以出色演技提名金球獎(曾演出【穿著Prada的惡魔】、【七夜怪談西洋版2】)。在片中,他是成功的高階主 管,也是風流倜儻的女性殺手,卻意外被一封莫名其妙,寫滿所有「曾經」與「即將」是他炮友的女性名單的電子郵件搞得暈頭轉向。
Just before he’s to marry Fiona, Roderick Blank receives an anonymous e-mail with 101 names on it; Fiona’s is the 29th, the first 28 are women Rod has slept with, and the 30th turns out to be the stripper at his bachelor party. The notion that he will have sex with 70 more people sends Rod into crisis mode, especially after three odd men in an aseptic office confirm that a celestial machine has made an error. They suggest destroying the list, but Rod finds that easier said than done. Working his way through it consumes him, plus he realizes that death may await him after #101. Meanwhile, a femme fatale nicknamed Death Nell is putting men into a coma. Are they fated to meet?…….
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